Wednesday, May 6, 2020

performance apraisal critique Essay - 1547 Words

The performance appraisal system used by our organization is done annually. The purpose of the review is for employee as well as manager, to aptitude performance from the past year relating to the specific responsibilities and objective of that employee. This gives the opportunity for managers to give feedback on the strengths and development areas that are summarized from that previous year. Employees must also use this opportunity to give feedback on how they can best perform and develop themselves. This Annual review period is an opportunity to communicate and work together to build unity in the workplace. Realistic plans may be made for the employee’s development and growth. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The supervisor and the†¦show more content†¦They generate quality and quantity in their individual work efforts. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The lowest level of performance rating is development needed. The employee’s performance does not meet required expectations. The employee is aware of negativity that they are proclaiming, and also the lack of quality and quantity of their quota. The employee is aware that a general inferior continuation at this level will lead them to possible termination. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The fifth level of performance rating is a neutral generalized new in position. This rating is for employees who are in a position for less than six months. If the employee has transferred into the new department, all performance information is received from their previous manager. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I feel the ratings should not be categorized in five separate levels. There should be only three levels of ratings. The three should be excellent, commendable and development needed. To my understanding the outstanding rating and the excellent rating are exactly at the same level. These two ratings mean the same thing. I perceive the outstanding rating, which is the highest rating, is unattainable. I f the employee has an excellent rating, how much higher can they go? The outstanding rating was established to save the company money. Save the company money that they really do not intend to give out in raises. This unattainable

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